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Joonya blog - Let's talk about plastic & biodegradability
Joonya blog - Let's talk about plastic & biodegradability

Let’s talk (briefly) about plastic…

Plastic. First pioneered in 1907, its use has become so widespread that its almost impossible to live a life without it. It’s convenience cannot be denied, yet our planet cries for help as the pile gets bigger and bigger each year. A moral dilemma for modern consumers!

We think much of the solution rests with individuals and their consumer choices, helping eco-friendly alternatives become cheaper through scale and its resulting efficiencies. At the moment, most eco-friendly options still carry a higher price tag, but as scale grows and prices drop relative to alternatives, they can overtake their plastic rivals. For those who cannot afford to go without plastic, that’s ok! Those who can afford to are doing a service for everyone.

And that’s you, Joonya customer! Kudos, take a bow : )

Joonya products prioritize non-toxic and earth-friendly solutions, so can be a little pricier than the cheaper plastic alternatives. We’ve done our best to dampen the added cost by offering bulk options, and the bonus is a lower carbon footprint. Buying most of our needs and wants over the internet is a bit like plastic – super convenient, but not ideal for this little planet of ours. Just think of all those courier drivers buzzing around, dropping off tiny parcels. Bulk options should be considered where possible – another win-win! 

Thanks for supporting us in our mission to provide better choices for your family and the planet.

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